宝威亚太电子(深圳)有限公司是百富电源集团(以下简称BPS)在中国的全资子公司。BPS拥有超过30年领先于同行业的专业电源设计、制造和销售经验, 为通信、计算机和工业应用提供先进、精确和高效的电源解决方案。BPS立足通信高科技市场,占据了电源系统以及从交流到数字芯片电源管理领域的先导地位。BPS现跻身于世界电源产品解决方案的前列。BPS公司自2000年进驻中国,在深圳成立宝威电源(深圳)有限公司;2006年在深圳收购了美国上市公司Magnetek迈力达集团,并成立宝威亚太电子(深圳)有限公司;2010年宝威中国整体搬迁至光明新区;目前BPS是百富(Bel Fuse)集团的全资子公司,百富(Bel Fuse)集团是在美国纽约纳斯达克上市的跨国集团公司 (NASDAQ:BELFB) 。其总部位于美国新泽西州泽西市, 在电子产业领域拥有超过60年的历史。公司专注于设计、制造和销售电子元器件和电源产品。宝威公司主要客户均是全球通讯和电子行业的领头企业,包括FACEBOOK、CISCO、ELECTROLUX、SEAGATE、ORACLE、HP和ALCATEL-LUCENT等。公司关注企业管理优化,是深圳较早通过ISO9001,ISO14001和OHSAS18001等管理体系认证的企业。公司先后获得“深圳宝安区纳税百强企业”、“深圳宝安区工业百强企业”、“深圳光明新区出口大户企业”、“深圳光明新区纳税大户企业”、“深圳光明新区标杆企业”、“全国外商投资双优企业” 等政府和行业荣誉。公司承诺坚持公平雇佣政策,平等对待雇员,不因雇员或应聘者的种族、社会阶级、肤色、宗教、信仰、性别、性取向、年龄、残疾、国籍、政党、家庭状况或其他任何法律规定为歧视的因素而对他们有歧视或侵害行为。公司奉行“团队精神、沟通协作、勇于承担、快速反应、解决问题、全局观念”的文化与价值观,以实为本,关心雇员,尊重雇员,培养和发展雇员。联 系 人:Allie Wang电 话:(0755)29885888公司网站:http://www.belpowersolutions.com简历投递地址:hr.china@psbel.com本公司将对拟录用者进行严格的背景调查,并要求求职者提供相关证明文件,在此特别提醒您请勿投递造假的简历。谢谢!乘车路线:A线:乘K578(高速线路福田交通枢纽-公明汽车站),E19(高速线路深圳湾口岸-公明公交场站), M215(218)(公明环线),B806(甲子塘工业区-甲子塘工业区)到光明新区宏发高新产业园站台下车。B线:坐公明方向的车310(315)(大王山总站-大王山总站),M206(深圳湾口岸-光明新区),M217(深圳北站-公明),M234(白芒检查站-松岗总站),M310(沙井-坑梓),M361(沙井-坑梓),630(公明汽车站-裕安公交总站),668(凤凰油站-坑梓总站),869(龙岗汽车总站-宝安机场),635(龙华汽车站-松岗总站),325(皇岗口岸-光明圳美总站),882(丹竹头汽车站-公明汽车站)等公交车到公明田寮路口(或光明大道路口)下车坐摩托车或步行(约15分钟)到宏发高新产业园6栋宝威公司自驾路线:上南光高速在塘明/塘尾出口下高速,按指引到宝威公司公司地址:深圳市光明新区公明办事处光明大道与南明路交汇处宏发高新产业园 6栋,从6栋的观光电梯直上6楼BPS Asia Pacific Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is wholly owned subsidiaries of Bel Fuse (below referred as BPS). BPS has over 30 years of industry-leading experience on professional power supply design, manufacturing and sales, to provide power solution in the capabilities of advanced, precise, and high-efficiency for industries covering communication, computer and data center, and industry application. Based on high-tech market of communication, BPS holds the leading position in scope ranging from power system to AC power management and digital chip power management. BPS now has been edged itself into the tier-one in the global power product solution.Entered into China since 2000, BPS has been set up in Shenzhen, and acquired a US publically-listed international company Magnetek in 2006, and BPS Asia Pacific Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd has been established at the same year. The whole facility of BPS was moved to Guang Ming New District in 2010. BPS has finished the acquisition with Bel Fuse Inc. (NASDAQ:BELFB), headquartered in Jersey City, New Jersey in June 20, 2014. With over 60 years in the electronics industry, Bel Fuse is focused on the design, manufacturing, distribution and sales of electronic components, including magnetics, connectors and power supply products.The major customers of BPS are all global leading enterprises engaged in communication and electronics, including FACEBOOK, CISCO, ELECTROLUX, SEAGATE, ORACLE, HP, ALCATEL-LUCENT, etc. Always focused on optimization of enterprise management, BPS is one of enterprises certified with ISO 9001,ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and so on. BPS has wined a series honor awards from government, such as: Top 100 Companies on Tax Contribution in Baoan District, Shenzhen; Top 100 Industry Companies in Baoan District, Shenzhen; Prominent Export Company in Guang Ming New District, Shenzhen; China Excellent Foreign Investment Enterprise both on Sales Volume and Tax Payment Amount; China Excellent Foreign Investment Enterprise on Harmonious Labor Relationship and Quality Improvement.In pursuit of the culture and value on: Teamwork, Communication and Cooperation, Engagement, Quick Response, Problem-solving and Dedication. BPS always pays high attention on these tenets: people oriented, employee caring, employee respecting, employee training and development.